Cross-registration and results availability of trials registered on the EUCTR

This analysis was published, open access, in BMJ Medicine in January 2024. Please cite the manuscript when referencing the code.

A pre-registered protocol and other project materials are available on the OSF.

Repository Details

This is a Docker-ready repsoitory containing code and data for this project. Please consult for instructions on how to run this study in a Docker environment. A Docker installation guide is available at

Key Directories

data - This contains all the data for the project that is needed to run the code, or is created by the code.

lib - This contains various helper functions for use in the analysis notebooks.

notebooks - This contains the jupyter notebooks for data processing and handling, the main analysis, figure creation, and the assessment of inter-searcher reliability.

Most of the remaining directories are related to Docker-izing the repository.

How to view the notebooks

Notebooks live in the notebooks/ folder (with an ipynb extension). You can most easily view them on nbviewer, though looking at them in Github should also work.

To do development work, you'll need to set up a local jupyter server and git repository - see for more detail.