
Welcome to the AppEEARS-Data-Resources repository. This repository provides resources and tutorials to help users work with AppEEARS programmatically. This repository also includes notebooks showing how to access and work with AppEEARS outputs directly in the Cloud.

Please note that in the interest of open science this repository has been made public but is still under active development.


  • Earthdata Login Authentication is required to access AppEEARS API and AppEEARS outpurs direcrly from an Amazon AWS bucket. If you do not have an account, create an account here.

  • Setup Instructions:

Repository Contents

Tutorial are stored in scripts folder and are listed below:

  • COG_AppEEARS_S3_Direct_Access.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook demonstrating how to use AppEEARS Cloud Optimized GEOTIFF (COG) outputs using Python.
  • COG_AppEEARS_S3_Direct_Access.html: HTML export of Jupyter Notebook demonstrating how to use AppEEARS Cloud Optimized GEOTIFF (COG) outputs using Python.

Defined functions that will be called in the scripts are store in modules folder.

The supporting files for use cases are stored in ddditional_files folder.

Helpful Links

Contact Info:

Voice: +1-866-573-3222
Organization: Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)¹
Date last modified: 02-06-2023

¹Work performed under USGS contract G15PD00467 for NASA contract NNG14HH33I.