
Files to build Singularity images for running the Monte-Carlo event generator Sherpa

Primary LanguageC++


Singularity Hub Batch

Singularity image recipes in this repository


Recipes for images that run the respective Sherpa version. We use Asterix-themed name tags for recipes that serve a specific Sherpa git commit. This has no meaning in any other context and just serves as a mnemonic here, when a user has pulled several such images. Running a Sherpa image calls Sherpa.


A recipe for an image that includes Compare-1.9 and support for rivet-mkhtml. This can be used for plotting Sherpa/Rivet analysis output. Running it calls rivet-mkhtml.


A recipe for an image that serves as the base image for all Singularity.sherpa-* recipes. This allows for a quick build of new Sherpa images, because the dependencies do not need to be re-compiled.


A recipe for an image that serves as the base image for all other recipes in this repository (since they all need Rivet as a dependency). Running it calls rivet.

Helper files used by the above recipes


A helper recipe file that can not be build on Singularity Hub due to its 2 hours runtime limitation. It must be built on another machine. Running it exports a gzipped tar-file which can be downloaded and extracted from within other recipes to install the BlackHat binaries. This is used in the Singularity.mceg recipe.


A helper file used by the Singularity.plotting recipe to fix the compilation of Compare-1.9.


This replaces the file with the same name in Compare-1.9, because convert complained that this one is broken during the compilation of plotting output.


A helper file used by the Singularity.rivet recipe to allow for custom download links for Rivet and its dependencies.


Helper files used to install stuff. These can also be used as stand-alone scripts to install this stuff in non-Singularity contexts. However, mileage might vary, since there might be missing dependencies.

Receptable image recipes in this repository

Receptacles are containers that have no pre-installation of Sherpa, but that can be used in "writable" mode to install Sherpa aposteriori. The big advantage is that we do not need a recipe for each Sherpa version, and that it’s easier and much less time-consuming to keep a Sherpa version updated that is under active development. Let’s have a look at an example.

  1. Use the sherpa-3.x receptacle recipe to build an empty Receptaple container that is suitable for installing Sherpa using a recent master commit (i.e. Sherpa "3.x").

    sudo singularity build --writable Receptacle.sherpa-3.x_centos6{.img,}
  2. Now use the initialise_receptable script to git-clone, autoconf, make and make-install a given Sherpa branch into the Receptacle container:

    ./initialise_receptable Receptacle.sherpa-3.x_centos6.img tmp-cherrypick-ewvirt-into-master
  3. The source and build directory of the last step will be called Receptacle.sherpa-3.x_centos6.img-tmp-cherrypick-ewvirt-into-master/sherpa. We can do manual modifications or use git to do pulls or checkouts. Then we can use the make_within_receptable script to update the installation within the Receptacle container:

    ./make_within_receptable Receptacle.sherpa-3.x_centos6.img tmp-cherrypick-ewvirt-into-master -j
    ./make_within_receptable Receptacle.sherpa-3.x_centos6.img tmp-cherrypick-ewvirt-into-master install
  4. Whenever we are happy with our writable Receptacle container, we can transform it into a read-only production container (and e.g. copy it to our cluster):

    sudo singularity build Receptacle.sherpa-3.x_centos6{.simg,.img}