API-First bootstrapping tool for building RESTful web services from a Swagger/OpenAPI spec
- 2
Writing ZonedDateTime
#56 opened by alexec - 5
- 1
HTTP response headers
#59 opened by alexec - 11
Odd/erroneous choices for types
#58 opened by alexec - 0
- 0
Failure to parse a response with type: file
#89 opened by ajtucker - 0
Add support for play 2.6
#87 opened by fkoehler - 4
Recursive model definitions causes infinite loop
#22 opened by pocman - 2
Use plugin without Activator
#86 opened by nebulorum - 1
What is the Validation URL?
#85 opened by humblevladimirthegreat - 2
Move from Activator to Giter8
#84 opened by alexkops - 7
create new release 0.2.0
#42 opened by domdorn - 5
Required properties validation
#60 opened by SergeyNovikovDH - 0
- 5
Help with int64 & date-time
#75 opened by jona7o - 0
Extra nesting level for validation errors
#79 opened by s12v - 5
property name seems to have to match ref name
#55 opened by alexec - 3
- 4
No Json deserializer found for type
#41 opened by eyasuyuki - 0
- 2
- 5
- 6
add unmanaged code area for imports
#43 opened by domdorn - 7
- 5
- 11
- 14
Run Your Application section ... ???
#65 opened by lasomethingsomething - 2
- 1
Type Naming of Basic Types
#67 opened by jona7o - 6
User >: Any In SwaggerSecurityExtractors
#71 opened by moishy90 - 7
Is this doc still relevant?
#68 opened by lasomethingsomething - 5
- 8
- 0
Add possibility to generate mock responses
#37 opened by slavaschmidt - 4
- 3
generating models to another project
#40 opened by liorchen - 2
Easy question: Which of these exist vs. which of these are still in plans?
#64 opened by lasomethingsomething - 3
Enum string validator fails
#52 opened by gipeshka - 6
No string constructor/factory method for date-time
#19 opened by pocman - 1
generated tests fail on empty responses
#29 opened by hanzki - 1
- 1
Add DI unmanaged area
#28 opened by oswaldo - 9
- 2
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java.lang.NoSuchMethodError in JsonContext
#33 opened by trane - 4
Number parsing
#20 opened by pocman - 5
Why Joda time and not Java8 time API ?
#21 opened by guizmaii - 1
Not able to serve index.html at custom url
#31 opened by harshvs20 - 2
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