
Blink1m client

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

blink1.el - Emacs client for the blink1 USB LED device


  • Hack value


Install the `blink1-tool` command-line utility using the directions from here. Note:

If you are on a Linux-like OS, you will need to either run as root (<code> sudo blink1-tool</code>) or install udev rules as described in 51-blink1.rules.


Basic color pattern

Display basic color patterns by passing a list:

 '("#ff0000" "#00ff00" "#0000ff" "#ffffff"))

 '(lavender blue))

Example: Pomodoro Timer

With an emacs timer you can use the blink1 as a pomodoro timer:

(defun my/start-blink1-basic-pomodoro (time)
  "Use the blink1 to indicate "
  (interactive (list (read-string "Duration: " "15 minutes")))
  (blink1-set-color 'black)
  (blink1-glimmer :color 'green :num 3)
  (run-at-time time nil (lambda () (blink1-glimmer :color 'red :num 3) (blink1-set-color 'orange))))

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