Ninety nine problems, solved in Elm

Someday I decided to study some Elm. To achieve the mastery, there's nothing like exercising, right? So I created this repo where I can put my solutions of the Ninety nine problem, solved in Elm. Please, provide me some feedbacks.


  1. Write a function last that returns the last element of a list. An empty list doesn't have a last element, therefore last must return a Maybe.

  2. Implement the function penultimate to find the next to last element of a list.

  3. Implement the function elementAt to return the n-th element of a list. The index is 1-relative, that is, the first element is at index 1.

  4. Elm provides the function List.length. See if you can implement it yourself.

  5. Elm provides the function List.reverse to reverse the order of elements in a list. See if you can implement it.