
Basic Movie Website using ReactJS, TMDB-API & Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


If you want to run it locally, then follow these steps.

Steps :

  1. Open your terminal and run git clone git@github.com:ebraj/MovieEBG.git
  2. Once the cloning is completed, open this cloned folder in IDE(Vscode).
  3. Create the .env.local file in the root directory as you need to provide the TMDB api in order to fetch the movie datas.
  4. Inside the .env.local file create the variable REACT_APP_TMDB_KEY=_________________ (Add your own TMDB Api key from TMDB Website by creating an account.)
  5. Once all the above steps are done, open your terminal once again and run npm install to install the required modules and finally run npm run start to see the site live.

Captured UIs

Landing Page

Landing Page

Single Movie Page

Single Movie Page

Trending Page

Trending Page

Discover Page

Discover Page

People Page

People Page

Genres Page

Genres Page