Go Tutorial Repository

Welcome to the Go Tutorial Repository! This repository is designed to guide you through learning the Go programming language step by step. Each section corresponds to a specific aspect or feature of Go programming. Below is a breakdown of the contents:

Table of Contents

  1. 01-firstprogram: Introduction to Go with your first program.
  2. 02-organize-package: Learn how to organize your Go code into packages.
  3. 03-value-types: Understanding value types in Go, including basic data types like integers, floats, and strings, and how they behave in Go.
  4. 04-exercise-profitapp: Practice exercises focusing on building a profit application in Go, which may involve calculations, input/output handling, and basic program flow.
  5. 05-concurrency: Explore the concept of concurrency in Go, including goroutines, channels, and synchronization methods.
  6. 06-functions: Deep dive into functions in Go, including function declaration, parameters, return values, and function types.
  7. 07-if-state: Learn about conditional statements in Go, particularly the if statement, and how it's used for decision making in code execution.
  8. 08-packages: Learn about Go packages and how to use them effectively.
  9. 09-pointers: Understand pointers in Go and their usage.
  10. 10-struct&types: Explore structs and types in Go.
  11. 11-struct-practice: Practice exercises related to structs in Go.
  12. 12-interface: Learn about interfaces and their implementation in Go.
  13. 13-arrays: Understand arrays in Go programming.
  14. 14-exercise-array: Practice exercises focusing on arrays in Go.
  15. 15-functiondeepdive: Deep dive into functions in Go.
  16. 16-price-calculator: Build a price calculator application using Go.
  17. 17-concurrency: Learn about concurrency in Go.
  18. 18-concurrency-examp: Examples illustrating concurrency concepts in Go.

Each directory contains code examples and explanations relevant to its respective topic. Feel free to explore them in order or jump to the sections that interest you the most.

Getting Started

To get started with the tutorials, clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/ebrardev/learning-go.git

Then, navigate to the desired section and follow the instructions provided in the README file within that directory.


If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Contributions from the community are highly appreciated!


This project is licensed under the MIT License, which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the code however you like.