
Implementation of VISCA protocol in C# as Library

Primary LanguageC#


Implementation of VISCA serial protocol in C# as .NET Library

Table of contents

General info

Currently covers 70% of the Visca protocol commands, mostly operational perspective. Project target was to create C# OOP library for use in Crestron based control systems. Visca.Camera class is reference implementation of the library lower level commands.


Project is created with:

  • VisualStudio 2019: targeting .NET 4.7.2 or higher
  • VisualStudio 2008: targeting .NET CompactFramework with Crestron S#Pro libraries as dependancy


To use run this library as dependancy for your projects, pull compiled release using nuget:

  • nuget install ViscaLibrary -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory .\packages.

Nuget.exe is available at nuget.org.


  • Address setup commands
  • Model query commands
  • Vendor specific commands
  • Camera Reference implementation to handle additional vendor commands and limits overrides