
A little diary for me to track the progress or any finding for each day.

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notes from the day.

This is a little diary for me to track the progress, learning or any finding for each day.

I have taken some notes as little snippets starting in May 2019 that I have found useful to keep as a reminder or just with the purpose of setting starting points.

Since I have really enjoyed reading them again some time to time, I decided to make this public considering it might be useful for anyone and keep it in this way from now on.

There might be things that I have expressed, known or typed wrong. If there is anything you would like to fix please feel free to open a pull request.

Here go the ones so far, happy learning 🚀

2021 2020 2019


  • Kurşun Geçirmez React Native Uygulamaları Oluşturmak - I


  • The Business of Building Apps



  • New VSCode theme: ƒ - Darcula - Operator Mono/Italic



  • React Query in 100 Seconds


  • Fetching Data the Right Way


  • Practical React Query


Not everything should be handled by react-query or redux for example, like in the days it was a popular choice for each need. Especially wrapping all backend calls to a global state is meaningless.

Be aware of the needs of a global state and store;

  • For handling backend state and its side effects like loading, error, data -> react-query, swr etc.

  • Local global state needs like token, theme, selectedLanguage etc. -> context, zustand, redux etc.

  • Persistent storage -> AsyncStorage, encrpypted storages etc.

"For years, we've made the mistake of treating every state equally by treating our server data like client state.
We've finally realized that this is sub-optimal, because they have different needs.
Let's not make the same mistake again in the other direction by wanting to do everything with react query please."
- TkDodo



Local and Push Notifications in React Native


Microinteractions & Animations in React Native: Help users understand the UI by Catalin Miron



Cleaner data fetching with react-query
