
A simple nagios plugin to monitor Couchbase 2.x servers/cluster.

alt tag


# apt-get install nagios3 
# pip install requests


 git clone


Summary Statistics

Following commands show information based on the currently selected bucket:

define command{
  command_name  cb_item_count
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --item-count -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

define command{
  command_name  cb_low_watermark
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --low-watermark -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

define command{
  command_name  cb_mem_used
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --memory-used -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

vBucket Resources Statistics

You should '--vbucket' parameter for checking vBucket resources. vBucket resources states are pending, total, replica and active. For example if you want to check ejections total state of vbucket, you must specify '--vbucket --total --ejections'. You can see below some examples for vbucket resources checks.

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_active_new_items
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --vbucket --active --new-items -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_pending_new_items
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --vbucket --pending --new-items -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_total_new_items
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --vbucket --total --new_items -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_replica_new_items
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ --vbucket --replica --new-items -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

Disk Queue Statistics

You should use '--disk-queues' parameter. Disk queues states are pending, total, replica and active.

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_disk_queues_pending_fill_rate
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$  --disk-queues --pending --fill-rate -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_disk_queues_pending_drain_rate
  command_line  $USER1$/ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$  -P $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$  --disk-queues --pending --drain-rate -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

Note1 : We used above commands for cluster level. If you want to query in node level for statistic, you add '--node' parameter and you can remove some parameters. So you can edit following:

define command{
  command_name  cb_vb_disk_queues_pending_drain_rate
  command_line  $USER1$/ -I $HOSTADDRESS$ -b $ARG2$  --disk-queues --pending --drain-rate --node -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

In addition, if your CouchBase 'cbstats' command path different from default (/opt/bin/couchbase/cbstats), you should add '--cbstats' option. In this case, you must define full path for '--cbstats' parameter.

define command{
  command_name  cb_mem_used
  command_line  $USER1$/ -I $HOSTADDRESS$ -b $ARG2$ --memory-used --node --cbstats /full_path/ -W $ARG3$ -C $ARG4$

You should use '--cbstats' parameter only in node level.

Note2 : If you want to use more options (--disk-reads-per-sec, --high-watermark, --cache-miss-ratio .. etc.), you can see using
'--help' parameter.

$/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ --help


Ebru Akagündüz

##License Nagios Plugin Couchbase is available under the GPLv3

Nagios Exchange

It is also available in nagios-exchange: