
Title and Meta Tags: The section of the HTML file includes the title and meta tags. The title specifies the text that appears in the browser tab, while meta tags define information such as the character set and display characteristics of the page.

Linking to Style Sheet: The file links to a CSS file named /css/style.css. This file controls the style and layout of the site.

Navigation Menu: There is a navigation menu at the top of the page. The menu contains links to different sections of the page.

Sections: The page is divided into different sections. Each section focuses on a specific topic and is connected to each other with IDs.

Images: Various images are used on the page. These images are used to enrich the content or make it visually appealing.

Form Elements: There is a contact form in the contact section. This form allows visitors to contact the website owner.

Footer: There is a footer at the bottom of the page. The footer typically contains additional information such as site map, contact details, and social media links.

CSS and Fonts: The page uses the Montserrat font from Google Fonts. The font determines the overall appearance and style of the page.