
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):

HTML is used to structure the content of the web page. Tags like , , ,

, ,
, and are used to define different sections of the page.

Meta Tags:

: Sets the character encoding for the document to UTF-8. : Configures the viewport for responsive design on various devices.

Bootstrap Icons:

Icons from the Bootstrap Icons library are used. The stylesheet is linked from a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Google Fonts:

The Poppins font from Google Fonts is imported using the link tag.

CSS Stylesheet:

The page includes an external CSS stylesheet (style.css) for styling.


Navigation links are provided within a

element. The navigation includes links to "Anasayfa," "Hakkimizda," "Kurslar," "Blog," and "İletişim."


Different sections are defined for "on yazi," "kurslar," "campus," "facilities," "testimonials," and "ua." Each section has a heading (


) and a description (

). #Images:

Images are included using the tag, and the source paths are specified.

Responsive Design:

The page is designed to be responsive to different device widths.


Testimonials include user reviews with names, images, and star ratings.

Social Media Icons:

Social media icons for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are included.


The footer contains information about the website and social media icons. It also includes a personal touch mentioning "Ebru Kücük" and expressing a love for React.


Links to external resources and images are included using the tag.


Buttons are created using the tag with the class "hero-btn."

Responsive Navigation Icon:

The responsive navigation icon (hamburger icon) is included using the Bootstrap Icons class bi-list and the tag.