
Wrapper around cefpython for Kivy applications

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

About this Fork

This package builds on a lot of good work of other people, including the developers of :

This is forked from rentouch/cefkivy for the sole purpose of making it pip installable and minimal maintenance to ensure functionality.

  • At the time of the fork, upstream has remained unchanged for 8 years.
  • One pseudo fork has been published to PyPI with the cefkivy package name with no apparent commits and/or no real version history.

The original rentouch cefkivy repository is being forked here and will be made available as the kivy_garden.ebs.cefkivy package on PyPI.

This package contains some minimal EBS-specific code and depends on kivy_garden.ebs.core. This dependency is easily removed, but has been left in for the moment. In addition, the package depends on cefpython3, kivy, and the Python Standard Library. For detailed install notes, see INSTALL.md.

If you are considering using this:

  • I do not really have the bandwidth to maintain this fork. I will make the best effort to keep this package installable with minimal feature addition, but that's about it.
  • If upstream resumes development, or an alternate means to provide a browser widget to Kivy is developed, this fork and the associated pypi package will likely become unmaintained.
  • No work has been done to make sure this works on Mac, Windows, or Android. There is unlikely to be ever any such work. That said, there is nothing that I can think of which would break it on Mac/Windows, and trying to install cefpython on Android is likely to be a fool's errand.
  • Issues are welcome. Those dealing with install and basic functionality will be prioritized. Feature / upgrade requests, if meaningful, will be left open.
  • Pull Requests are welcome, as long as the change they make breaks no existing functionality.
  • If you are able and willing to take over or contribute to the development of this package, please get in touch with me. Primarily, I anticipate skilled time will need to be invested to help bring this (and cefpython3) up to date and keep it there. Additionally, having someone to keep the library functional on Mac/Windows would be helpful.

If you do end up using this package - especially if you do so in a production setting - please reach out to me and let me know by email at shashank at chintal dot in. The number of users, if any, is likely to determine how much effort I will put into maintaining this.

Current Status


The package as it stands works, more or less. Development is suspended for the most part. I don't actually test this with very new version of things or new combinations of environment and dependencies, so if you find any issues please feel free to report them. If you can provide a fix which does not break anything presently working, or if I can reproduce the issue, I will do what I can to fix it.

Known Issues :

  • Popups still aren't implemented. Links leading to popups and new tabs open in the main browser window instead and replace the parent page.
  • Touch gestures are broken.
    • Left click works fine. Right click doesn't.
    • Two finger scroll isn't really working, but might not be very difficult to fix.
    • Drag remains disabled, and drag events are translated to scroll events.
    • Repurposing the drag events breaks interaction where drag is actually needed. Things like OSM and Google Maps zoom (scroll) when the intent is pan (drag).
    • Pinch to zoom is not implemented.
  • The enter key still doesn't work as expected on both the physical and virtual keyboards. Not entirely certain if it is supposed to.
  • Some restructuring of the Mixins is needed to better capture the dependencies and create a reliable MRO.
  • Documentation and examples need to be written up.

Future Steps are dependent on available time and bandwidth, and in some ways more so on the cefpython version. Specifically, the following external updates might be important:

v66.0.17, July 2022

  • Popups and new tabs redirected to the main browser window instead.

v66.0.16, July 2022

  • Painted popups implementation reintegrated.

v66.0.12 - v66.0.15, Apr - May 2022

  • Fix fonts on UI elements.
  • Add basic cache control hooks.
  • Keyboard display location made targettable.
  • Block dialog messages made customizable.

v66.0.11, April 2022

  • Migrate to the new kivy_garden flower format.

v66.0.6 - v66.0.10 March 2022

  • Minor bugfix / maintenance updates, closing out open development threads.

v66.0.5, March 2022

  • JS injection reintroduced for Keyboard management.
  • Default Keyboard mode changed back to local.
  • Keyboard events changed to use on_text_input instead of on_key_*. This removes the complexity of keycode processing. 'Special' characters are still handled the old way.
  • Virtual Keyboard more or less works. Enter key doesn't seem to be intuitive, might need work.

v66.0.4, March 2022

  • Rationalize event and event handler chains.
  • Cleanup additional blocks of dead code.
  • Restructure for maintainability.
  • Restructure and near full rewrite of touch processing.
    • Mouse scrolling functional
    • Right clicks still cause trouble.
    • Remove touch drag functionality and replace with touch scrolling (panning).
    • Drag vs Scroll causes significant unresolved breakage on websites such as OSM.

v66.0.3, March 2022

  • Core support for message box-style dialogs implemented.
  • JS Dialogs implemented.
  • Block Messages implemented.
  • Popups suppressed entirely.

v66.0.2, March 2022

  • Touch, virtual keyboard not yet tested.
  • JS in the LoadHandler stripped out completely to debug the keyboard issue. This may eventually be reintroduced, but for now, it's not there. It seems likely it will be needed for a virtual keyboard.
  • Keyboard issue tracked down to KeyEvent dictionary structure having been changed in cefpython3. A horribly messy keycode translation layer has been added and keyboard input sort of works on unix.
  • Keyboard made 'global' by default to simplify testing.
  • Application seems to exit fine now, uncertain why.

v66.0.1, February 2022

  • Package installs fine on x86-64 and seems to basically run.
  • Application exit hangs. There probably needs to be an exit handler or the shutdown callbacks need to be fixed.
  • Keyboard key-presses seem to work in popups but not in the main browser widget. This needs to be fixed.
  • Virtual keyboard has not been seen. The code suggests it should have appeared on its own, but it has not. This is yet to be investigated.
  • This version is a cleaned up and updated version of upstream with no significant structural or functional changes. Cosmetic changes (refacoring) intended to support maintainability have been done.

Original README.md

How to install

Notes about the requirements.txt file: The cefpython3 dependency is the cefpython python package built by Rentouch. (used for CI). Please use your own version of cefpython either by exporting the PYTHONPATH to the location of the built cefpython or by installing cefpython globally.

You need the following dependencies installed listed in the requirements.txt

About this project

This can be seen as a kivy/garden.cefpython fork. Rentouch needs more flexibility in the repo itself (version numbers, room for experiments, tighter integration with pip, by creating wheels etc...)

About the import of cefpython

It will try to import in the following order:

  1. Cefpython binary in the PYTHONPATH
  2. Cefpython binary globally installed