
Supporting materials for a Swift tutorial on performing Fast Fourier Transforms using Apple's Accelerate Framework

Primary LanguageSwift


Supporting materials for a Swift tutorial on performing Fast Fourier Transforms using Apple's Accelerate Framework.


The tutorial can be found on my personal website.


To use simply download/clone the repository, open AccelerateFFT.xcworkspace, and build the project so that the playgrounds have access to the included Charts module.

In the workspace you will find the following playgrounds:

  • AccelerateFFT_Starter.playground: Use this to follow along with the tutorial
  • AccelerateFFT.playground: The end result of the tutorial
  • PitchDetection.playground: A pitch detection algorithm that applies the tutorial's linear autocorrelation function. It is a Swift implementation of the methods described in the the article A Smarter Way to Find Pitch by Philip McLeod and Geoff Wyvill. While it works in the example case provided, I haven't rigorously tested it.