
An Empirical Study of Computation-Intensive Loops for Identifying and Classifying Loop Kernels

CCA/EBT Experiments

This directory contains the raw results of the experiments reported in an ICPE2017 paper: An Empirical Study of Computation-Intensive Loops for Identifying and Classifying Loop Kernels.

We have selected approximately 1000 projects tagged with "language:FORTRAN" hosted on GitHub. The loops from the projects were analyzed by CCA/EBT to obtain loop features. You can see the outlines of the loops here by following the rightmost "Version" link of a project.

From the loops, 100 are randomly sampled and are classified manually by a couple of experienced performance engineers.


File Description
metrics.csv Source code metrics of 175,963 loops from 1020 projects hosted on GitHub
judgments.csv Manual classification results for the sampled 100 loops (comments written in Japanese)
judgments-en.csv Manual classification results for the sampled 100 loops (comments translated into English)
training_set.csv Training set for loop classification (M1-6, Other, NonKernel)
training_set_k.csv Training set for loop classification (Kernel, NonKernel)
training_set_m5.csv Training set for loop classification (M5, None: kernel other than M5)

Loop Features

Feature Description
stmts Number of statements
ops Number of operations
fp_ops Number of floating-point operations
branches Number of conditional statements
calls Number of procedure/function calls
array_refs0 Number of array references (based on ES0)
array_refs1 Number of array references (based on ES1)
array_refs2 Number of array references (based on ES2)
dbl_array_refs0 Number of double array references (based on ES0)
dbl_array_refs1 Number of double array references (based on ES1)
dbl_array_refs2 Number of double array references (based on ES2)
indirect_array_refs0 Number of indirect array references (based on ES0)
indirect_array_refs1 Number of indirect array references (based on ES1)
indirect_array_refs2 Number of indirect array references (based on ES2)
bf0 B/F (based on ES0)
bf1 B/F (based on ES1)
bf2 B/F (based on ES2)
lines_of_code Lines of code
max_loop_depth Maximum loop depth
max_loop_level Maximum loop nest level
max_array_rank Maximum array rank
max_mergeable_arrays Maximum number of meargeable arrays
max_fusible_loops Maximum number of fusible arrays
proj Project id
ver Version
path File path
sub Surrounding subprogram name
lnum Line number
digest Hash value of the loop's AST
nid Tree node id
root_file File that contains the main program