
Helm charts for prototype projects.

Primary LanguageSmarty


Helm charts for prototype projects.

This project is configured to use the Chart Releaser to automatically update a Helm chart index published at https://ebudan.github.io/ruori/.


Each functional helm chart directory must reside in ./charts/. The automated push action will regenerate the chart index. Please provide a resources/README-chartname.md to help use any complicated charts.


Helm v3.13+ must be installed to use the charts. Older helm versions do not propagate sub-chart nulling properly.
Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add ruori https://ebudan.github.io/ruori/

Check available charts with helm repo update ruori && helm search repo ruori. Check documentation under ./resources for the chart.

To generate a templated deployment, you will usually perform

KEY=val helm myinstance ruori/chartname >k8s-deployment.yaml

Since the reusable templates require several variables, a Taskfile example will usually be provided.