
token middleware for protecting url under actix-web

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Define 2 middlewares one can use to protect url under actix-web:

  • TokenAuth is a simple middleware that will just check that a header Token: xxxx is present in the request and match a static value,
  • JwtAuth will check that a header Authorization: Bearer xxxx is present, decode the JWT Token, verify the validity and its signature with keys retrieved from a JWKS endpoint, and then check for the presence of predefined claims values.

JwtAuth is useful with Gitlab, allowing you to replace static secret (generally passed to ci/cd pipeline through protected variables) with a more secure mechanism (asymmetrical cryptography). You can protect urls by trusting gitlab short-lived secret CI_JOB_JWT issued during CI/CD job execution. The claims can be used to certify that the access request is coming from a job from a given project, namespace, protected branch or tag, ...

use actix_token_middleware::{data::Jwt, middleware::jwtauth::JwtAuth};
use actix_web::{get, HttpResponse, HttpServer};

async fn protected() -> HttpResponse {
	HttpResponse::Ok().body("protected url granted !")

async fn serve() -> Result<()> {
    // Structure to drive the JwtAuthMiddleware instanciated by JwtAuth factory (can be deserialized with serde)
    let jwt = Jwt::new("https://gitlab.com/-/jwks", vec![("iss", "example.com"]).await.unwrap();
    let server = HttpServer::new(move || {
    // serve