
Static file server with ability to upload content and define dynamic routes

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple and fast asynchronous HTTP(S) server for hosting static website (JAMSTACK) under Kubernetes.

staticserve defines an API point (/upload) for uploading/updating the website content by posting an archive (.tar or .tar.zst). It can optionally be protected by a JWT token if jwt is defined in the configuration. The JWKS endpoint is used in that case, to retrieve the public keys and verify the validity of the bearer token received in the authorization header, and a claims map with expected values can be used to restrict even more who can upload content to the server.

This is specially useful in CI/CD pipelines, and you can also define commands to launch after successfully updating content with the hooks section of the configuration file for further setup or cleanup (like injecting secrets).

The server support ETag and Last- Modified headers to avoid cache errors on static files as well as Cache-Control header policies based on path prefixes and suffixes whose order is preserved and important as the first match wins. Suffixes are matched before prefixes.

Along with transparent compression, those features should give you a 100% score at PageSpeed Insights test.

It also supports SPA applications by serving specific static files based on path expressions (actix route expressions) that are listed int the routes dictionary. A default page with a default status code can also be provided in case no file nor a route match.

redirect in tls section of configuration file allows to configure an automatic HTTPS redirection per protocol to deal with differences in dual stack deployment. Generally you use a reverse proxy with IPv4 while you expose your service directly with IPv6. Because some reverse proxy don't handle TLS encrypted upstream you can't send them a redirect, so you can disable it in that specific case.

When hsts is provided in tls section, then HTTP Strict Transport Security are sent according to the parameters.

It uses the fast rustls TLS implementation.


staticserve 0.8.0

Usage: staticserve [-c <config>] [-v] [-l <addr>] [-L <addrs>] [-S]

Static file server with ability to upload content and define dynamic routes

  -c, --config      configuration file containing projects and gitlab connection
                    parameters (/etc/staticserve.yaml)
  -v, --verbose     more detailed output (false)
  -l, --addr        addr:port to bind to ( without tls
  -L, --addrs       addr:port to bind to ( when tls is used
  -S, --secure      only bind to tls (when tls config is present in
                    configuration file)
  --help            display usage information


Create a /etc/staticserve.yaml

dir: /var/lib/staticserve
root: dist
  file: 404.html
  status: 404
  crt: /var/run/secrets/staticserve/tls.crt
  key: /var/run/secrets/staticserve/tls.key
  # perform a redirection to https
    port: 443 # optional
    protocols: both # both | ipv4 | ipv6 | none
  # Strict-Transport-Security header
    duration: 300 # duration in s
    include_subdomains: true
    preload: false
  jwks: https://gitlab.com/-/jwks
  # only allows a job from a particular project running on a
  # protected branch or tag to update content
    iss: gitlab.com
    project_path: node/blog
    ref_protected: true
  "/search/category/{category}/{search}": "search/category/_category/_search.html"
  # staticserve does not serve hidden file, but you can map a dotted path to a file.
  # the mimetype sticks to the file extension as a bonus
  "/.well-known/matrix/server": "well-known/matrix/server.json"
    'index.html': 'private,max-age=0'
    '/app_/': 'max-age=259200'
    - /usr/bin/echo updated

default, tls, jwt, routes and cache are all optional.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $CI_JOB_JWT" -F file=@blog.tar.zst https://host/upload