This is a reactor formula, which allows the autoscaling feature in EC2 to notify Salt when an instance is created, so that it may be automatically bootstrapped and accepted by the Salt Master, or when an instance is deleted, so that its key can be automatically removed from the Salt Master.
This Configuration is based on the EC2 autoscale config of SALTStack it selves.
Things added:
- Setting the instance name to a custom name based upon a prefix set in a tag on the autoscaling group
- Register the server into Salt by this name and not by instance-id
- adding a grain to the salt config with the Availability zone in it (This can be used for EFS for instance, connection that are zone depended)
- remove instance by name and not instance-id
The following packages must be installed:
.. code-block:: yaml
- Salt 2016.11.2
groupinstall 'Development Tools'
The following files need to be configured on the Salt Master:
.. code-block:: yaml
- /etc/salt/master.d/smtp.conf
- /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf
- /etc/salt/master.d/ec2_config.conf
- /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ec2-cloud-config.conf
- /srv/reactor/ec2-autoscale.sls
All this files are included in this repo, Please make a note that you need to change all the <YOUR ...> fields
Also make a note that you need to enable the master.d include in the master config file
.. code-block:: yaml
default_include: master.d/*.conf
.. code-block:: yaml
This config is used to send the emails like for instance the subscription notification
.. code-block:: yaml
access_key: <YOUR ACCESS KEY>
secret_key: <YOUR SECRET KEY>
region: <YOUR REGION>
This config settings are used for the ECS boto stuff for getting instance information and setting and reading tags The problem is that we have a double configuration in cloud.providers.d for the actual events, these are done by salt-cloud.
.. code-block yaml
- .*
- '@runner'
- '@wheel'
port: 9000
webhook_url: /hook
webhook_disable_auth: True
disable_ssl: True
- 'salt/netapi/hook/ec2/autoscale':
- '/srv/reactor/ec2-autoscale.sls'
provider: ec2-cloud-config
ssh_username: ec2-user
company: <YOUR COMPANY>
startup_states: highstate
This file contains the information to enable salt-api and register the reactor on it Also contain the ec2.autoscale information used to fire the events for registering and unregistering
.. code-block yaml
# Set up the location of the salt master
# Set up grains information, which will be common for all nodes
# using this provider
node_type: broker
release: 1.0.1
# Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script.
# Valid options are:
# private_ips - The salt-cloud command is run inside the EC2
# public_ips - The salt-cloud command is run outside of EC2
ssh_interface: private_ips
# Optionally configure the Windows credential validation number of
# retries and delay between retries. This defaults to 10 retries
# with a one second delay betwee retries
win_deploy_auth_retries: 10
win_deploy_auth_retry_delay: 1
# Set the EC2 access credentials (see below)
# Make sure this key is owned by root with permissions 0400.
private_key: /etc/salt/keys/<YOUR KEY TO ACCESS THE AWS SERVERS>.pem
keyname: <KEY NAME>
# securitygroup: sg-96c73ef0
# Optionally configure default region
# Use salt-cloud --list-locations <provider> to obtain valid regions
location: eu-west-1
# Configure which user to use to run the deploy script. This setting is
# dependent upon the AMI that is used to deploy. It is usually safer to
# configure this individually in a profile, than globally. Typical users
# are:
# Amazon Linux -> ec2-user
# RHEL -> ec2-user
# CentOS -> ec2-user
# Ubuntu -> ubuntu
ssh_username: ec2-user
# Optionally add an IAM profile
#iam_profile: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/ExampleInstanceProfile'
driver: ec2
This is the EC2 configuration used to handle the event firing.
This reactor will examine the web hook received from EC2 and check its authenticity. If issues are encountered, such as an invalid signature, or the certificates being located outside of Amazon, a notification will be sent to the user via email. Mail config can be done in the file smtp.conf
Finally, some extra settings must be set up to point the reactor to the necessary Salt Cloud provider setting. Any additional settings to be used on the target minion, that are not configured in the provider configuration Config point to salt-cloud done in reactor.conf. Cloud config done in ec2-cloud-config.conf
The following must be configured in the EC2 account to be used:
.. code-block:: yaml
- SNS HTTP Notification
- Launch Configuration
- Autoscaling Group
In order to notify the reactor that an instance is being autoscaled up or down, AWS SNS must be configured with the URL to send the notification webhook to. Both HTTP and HTTPS are available, but it is highly recommended that HTTPS is used.
From the AWS Console, select SNS (Push Notification Service). This will take you to the SNS dashboard.
Click the button to Create New Topic. Enter a Topic Name, and a human-readable Display Name, and select the Create Topic button. This will take you to the Topic Details area.
Inside the Topic Details, click the button to Create Subscription. Select HTTP
or HTTPS as appropriate, and enter the URL to your Salt API server as the
endpoint. Assuming it is set up at
, the
endpoint will look like:
.. code-block:: yaml
In this URL, /hook
notifies Salt API that a webhook is being used, and
will be used to tag the event that the reactor uses to
process it. The tag that will be created by this URL will be
.. code-block:: yaml
Clicking the Subscribe button will cause a subscription notification to be sent immediately to the endpoint. If the Master configuration is correct, the reactor will forward the subscription notication to the configured email address(es). This message will contain a subscribe URL which, when visited, will activate the Subscription.
If the Salt Master is not properly configured, the endpoint can be re-entered, and another subscription notifcation will be sent. It should be noted that once configured, a subscription may not be deleted via the web interface until the subscribe URL has been visited and confirmed.
In order to start autoscaling instances, EC2 requires a launch configuration to be set. This defines the EC2-specific variables (AMI, disks, etc.) that will be used to spin up new instances.
From the AWS Console, select EC2 (Virtual Servers in the Cloud), which will lead to the EC2 Management Console. From there, select Launch Configurations from the left-hand menu.
Click the Create Launch Configuration button. Follow the wizard to select the appropriate AMI and configuration to use. At the Review screen, click the Create Launch Configuration button to save.
Once a launch configuration is defined, an autoscaling group may be configured which defines variables such as the minimum and maximum number of instances, and under what circumstances to add and remove instances.
From the AWS Console, select Auto Scaling Groups from the left-hand menu. Click the Create Auto Scaling Group button. Select the option to "Create an Auto Scaling group from an existing launch configuration". Select the Launch Configuration, and click Next Step.
Follow the wizard to the "Configure Notifications" screen. Click the "Add Notification" button and select the notification that was configured on SNS. Complete the wizard as normal.
Once the Salt Master and AWS have been configured, the reactor will manage itself. When the autoscaler adds a new instance, Salt Cloud will be notified to wait for it to become available, and bootstrap it with Salt. Its key will be automatically accepted, and if the minion configuration includes the appropriate startup state, then the minion will configure itself, and go to work.
When the autoscaler spins down a machine, the Wheel system inside of Salt will be notified to delete its key from the master. This causes instances to be completely autonomous, both in setup and tear-down.
As instances will be launched and destroyed automatically by EC2, they will not
have the opportunity to be configured with user-definable names. In the basic
example of this reactor, the instance-id is used to register it. We extend it with
a Prefix tag that can be used to add infront of the instance id for better naming
conventions and possibilities of deploying a correct SALT stack. Also is the
availability zone added into a grain, this can be used in the salt state to check
the availabioty zone of the machine and deploy correct url's to for instance EFS
endpoints .