blast - a curses-alike library for the ZX Spectrum Copyright (c) Edward Cree, 2011 <> Licensed under GNU GPL v3+; there is NO WARRANTY see <> or file COPYING For API reference, see 'spec'. For internals documentation (hacking notes), see 'notes'. Current implementation status: the following functions are (at least partially) implemented: F_b_buflen F_initscr F_setfont F_getfont # Spectranet module only (not needed for static linking) F_raw F_cbreak F_delay F_nodelay F_getch F_input_isv F_addch # Does not scroll when at bottom margin F_mvaddch # " F_addstr # " F_mvaddstr # " F_clear F_beep F_scroll # supports up (count>0) only F_refresh F_attrset F_attrget F_move F_getcury F_getcurx F_getmaxy F_getmaxx To compile, you will need a cross-compiling binutils (target=z80-unknown-coff). These can be found packaged in the Debian repository as "binutils-z80". The fully linked executable is then converted into a .TAP by './maketap'. Fonts: ROM font: 32 columns, BFF_ROMFONT, fontdata=0x3D00 in Spectrum ROM. GenevaMono: 42 columns, BFF_AO42, GenevaMono.font. By Andrew Owen (GPLed) AOwen64: 64 columns, BFF_AO64, built into ao64.asm, fontdata=TBL_AO64font. By Andrew Owen (GPLed) getfont id=2