
Live long and prosper game - Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard & Spock

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to "Live and prosper game"!


Live long and prosper game is an expansion of the rock paper scissors game. Two additional choices: lizard & spock are added to the traditional game.

The combinations of the choices are as follow:

  • Scissors cuts Paper
  • Paper covers Rock
  • Rock crushes Lizard
  • Lizard poisons Spock
  • Spock smashes Scissors
  • Scissors decapitate Lizard
  • Lizard eats Paper
  • Paper disproves Spock
  • Spock vaporizes Rock
  • Rock crushes Scissors

website preview

The live website can be found on this link.

Table of Contents

1. UX Design

2. Features




6. Deployment

7. Acknowledgement

1. UX design

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1.1 User Goals

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The project's main objective is to offer the visiting user the possibility of playing the game "Live long and prosper", which is a modification of the traditional game "Rock, paper and scissors".

With a simple interface, the user can start the game at any time, and his opponent will be the computer that randomly picks his choice.

The terminal game is when one of the two (player or computer) reaches 10 points. Both at the end of each game and after the second point, the player will have the option to restart the game.

1.2 User Expectations

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  • Simple web structure and easy access. In a few clicks, user can access all options of the game.
  • The user interface is intuitive and any type of user can use it without any advanced knowledge.
  • Responsive web content for all types of devices (laptop, tablet and phone).
  • Compatibility with the most used web browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Edge).

1.3 Color Scheme

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  • HTML: #gainsboro
  • container: #ffdc71

1.4 Website Skeleton

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Balsamiq is the software that has been used to develop the wireframes of the web. It was handy to start the idea of the project, and with it, I could quickly generate the code of the web structure. Captures developed with the Balsamiq program are attached below.

Index Page


2. Features

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website features

2.1. Header (1)

The header picture of the game includes the title and the famous character of the Star Trek series, Spock.

2.2. Gamer title (2)

  • The "Player" and "Computer" text is using a Google Font style called "Kdam Thor Pro".
  • The colour of the text will change depending on the state of the game's score. If a player wins the game, the colour of the text will be green; if he loses, it will be red; if both players are drawing the game, it will be black.

2.3. Gamer score (3)

  • The players' score text uses a Google Font Style named "Arimo".
  • This number will increase when the player/computer wins the rounds of the game.

2.4. Gamer image (4)

  • The default images at the beginning will show a user and computer icon, respectively.
  • These images will change to the image of each player's choice in each round (rock, scissors, Paper, Lizard or Spock).

2.5. Text welcome-result (5)

  • The initial text will be the welcome to the game text.
  • This text will change with the result of each game round showing the winner.
  • When one of the players reaches 10 points, the text will show the game winner.

2.6. Panel player choices (6)

  • Panel with the five elections that the player can make during the game (rock, scissors, Paper, Lizard or Spock).
  • As the mouse cursor approaches one of the elections, CSS code will enlarge the image 1.5 on the image scale.
  • When an option is selected, it will initiate the round, where the computer will also choose its choice randomly.
  • The images of each choice will be shown in the Gamer Image.
  • When player/computer reach 10 points the panel player choice will be disabled.

2.7. Restart button (7)

  • The restart button will appear when one of the players reaches 2 points.
  • This button will be the only option that the player can use at the end of each game (10 rounds).

2.8. Footer - Social network icons (8)

  • Icons of the most famous social networks (FB, IG and Twitter)

2.9. Footer - Instructions info icon (9)

  • Together with the icons of social networks and separated with a separator, you can access the icon of the game's instructions.
  • When clicking on the icon, it will activate a Pop-Up Sweet Alert 2 with the game's instructions.

3. Technologies Used

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  • HTML5 for structure and content of the website.

  • CSS3 is used for styling the content and structuring using the CSS Grid system.

  • Balsamiq used for creating wireframes in Desktop and Mobile versions.

  • Google Fonts used to import fonts.

  • Adobe Photoshop used for image edition (header, resizing and optimizing size)

  • Font Awesome used for the icons on the footer.

  • Chrome used for debugging and test the website.

  • Firefox Developer Edition used for debugging and testing the website.

  • Github is used to create and update the online repository of the project.

  • Gitpod used for coding the project online.

  • W3C Markup tool used for validate the HTML code of the project.

  • Jigsaw validation tool used for validating the CSS code of the project.

  • JS Hint tool used for validating the JS code of the project.

  • Ami used for generate the different responsive versions of the project.

4. Testing

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4.1 Testing using tools

4.1.1 Browser Developer tools

The built-in tools of the Google Chrome and Firefox Developer Edition browsers have been used in the project. In this case, inspect each HTML and CSS element. These tools were also used to run different performance and optimization tests, such as Google Chrome's Lighthouse or the tools included to view the web on different device sizes.

4.1.2 Responsive Tools

An initial image has been included in the README made through the Ami web tool that includes the version in different web formats (Laptop, Tablet and Phone)

4.1.3 W3C Validator Tools (HTML and CSS)

For the validation of the HTML code, the official tool has been used W3C Markup.

HTML Validator

html validator

CSS Validator

css validator

4.1.4 JS Hint (JavaScript)

For the validation of the JavaScript code, the JSHint tool has been used JSHint.

JS Validator

js validator

4.2 Manual Testing

Web display has been tested on all available devices from the "Responsive Design Mode" tool of Firefox Developer Edition. This device list includes the following:

  • Galaxy Note 20 (412x915)
  • Galaxy S20 (360x800)
  • Ipad (810x1080)
  • Iphone 11 Pro (375x812)
  • IPhone 12/13 Mini (390x844)
  • IPhone 11 SE 2nd Gen (375x667)
  • Kindle Fire HDX (800x1280)

index.html - design:

Header Correct visualization of header image OK
Footer Correct size and links / social & info OK
Head title Correct title OK
Favicon Correct visualization of favicon OK
Responsive design Correct visualization of content OK

index.html - game functionality:

player/computer title color Changing color when player or computer is winning/losing OK
player/computer scores Increases player/computer scores when win round OK
text result Show round winner / Game winner / Welcome text / Restart text OK
player/computer images Show image of choice for Player/Computer when select panel choice OK
panel choices Correct functionality of game when player choose option: Rock, Scissors, Paper, Lizard and Spock OK
winner round Show winner round text when player/computer reach 10 poins OK
restart button Show restart button after player/computer reach 2 points OK


Facebook Open FB site in new tab OK
Instagram Open IG site in new tab OK
Twitter Open Twitter site in new tab OK
Instructions Load sweet alert with instructions info OK

5. Bugs

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Solved bugs

  • Container didn't fill the full height of the screen. I added height 100% of HTML and body.
  • When resizing the browser in Google Chrome, the body's background-color: #ffdc71, didn't fit whole page. Added the same background colour to class social networks.
  • Player could still play after reaching 10 points. I added a function for disabling player panel choices (EnableDisableChoicesGame).
  • The javaScript pop-up alert was very ugly. I added JS library "Sweet Alert 2", and it worked out beautifully.
  • When mobile all images didn´t fit well as they were big. I added CSS Grid: (from 500px) in @media for desktop and the original sizes. For the rest I reduced width of images by 50%.

6. Deployment

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The main branch of this repository has been used for the deployed version of this application.

Via Gitpod

The project deployment was based on the Code Institute Gitpod Full Template.

  • Click the Use This Template button.
  • Add a repository name and brief description.
  • Click the Create Repository from Template to create your repository.
  • To create a Gitpod workspace you then need to click Gitpod, this can take a few minutes.
  • When you want to work on the project it is best to open the workspace from Gitpod (rather than Github) as this will open your previous workspace rather than create a new one. You should pin the workspace so that it isn't deleted.
  • Committing your work should be done often and should have clear/explanatory messages, use the following commands to make your commits: - git add .: adds all modified files to a staging area - git commit -m "A message explaining your commit": commits all changes to a local repository. - git push: pushes all your committed changes to your Github repository.
  • You can view the website in a browser by using the command python3 -m http.server and clicking on the button Open Browser on the box that will pop up.

Forking the GitHub Repository

If you want to make changes to your repository without affecting it, you can make a copy of it by 'Forking' it. This ensures your original repository remains unchanged.

  1. Find the relevant GitHub repository
  2. In the top right corner of the page, click the Fork button (under your account)
  3. Your repository has now been 'Forked' and you have a copy to work on

Cloning the GitHub Repository

Cloning your repository will allow you to download a local version of the repository to be worked on. Cloning can also be a great way to backup your work.

  1. Find the relevant GitHub repository
  2. Press the arrow on the Code button
  3. Copy the link that is shown in the drop-down
  4. Now open Gitpod & select the directory location where you would like the clone created
  5. In the terminal type 'git clone' & then paste the link you copied on GitHub
  6. Press enter and your local clone will be created.

Via Github Pages

  • The live website was deployed to GitHub pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:

    1. Log in to GitHub
    2. In your Repository section, select the project repository that you want to deploy
    3. In the menu located at the top of this section, click Settings
    4. Select Pages on the left-hand menu - this is around halfway down
    5. In the source section, select branch Main and save
    6. The page is then given a site URL which you will see above the source section.

Please note it can take a while for this link to become fully active.

The live link can be found here.

7. Acknowledgement

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  • freecodecamp.org
  • codeinstitute.net
  • w3schools.com


  • Many thanks to kasia_ci from Code Institute for all the guidance and info well provided during these weeks in the slack channel #msletb-mar-2022.
  • Also thanks to channel buddies in #peer-code-review for the code suggestions.
