
Basic express server with mysql bdd and sequelize.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Basic express server with mysql bdd and sequelize.


Quick Start

First use:

  1. create .env from .env.dist
  2. run npm install

To start db: run npm db:start and open http://localhost:8080/ to have acces to an adminer to explore db.

To start server: run npm start and open http://localhost:3000/


You have to create .env from .env.dist.

  • NODE_PORT: for server port
  • FRONT_URL: for cors
  • DB_TYPE: mysql (if you want use other, see docker-compose.yml)
  • DB_HOST: localhost (if you want use other, see docker-compose.yml)
  • DB_PORT: port used by mysql on your computer
  • DB_USERNAME: user used by sequelize to explore db
  • DB_PASSWORD: password used by sequelize to explore db
  • DB_DATABASE: database used by sequelize to explore db


You can add initialisation sql in /.docker/mysql/

You can update mysql instance and option in docker-compose.yml https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql

Stop database: npm run db:stop

Reset database: npm run db:reset

The db is completed with sequelize (./src/models/index.js sync())


There is some good dependancies to use: