Yubihsm-go is a minimal implementation of the securechannel and connector protocol of the YubiHSM2.
It also implements a simple SessionManager which keeps connections alive and swaps them if the maximum number of messages is depleted.
Currently the following commands are implemented:
- Reset
- GenerateAsymmetricKey
- SignDataEddsa
- PutAsymmetricKey
- GetPubKey
- Echo
- Authentication & Session related commands
Implementing new commands is really easy. Please consult commands/constructors.go
and commands/response.go
for reference.
Please submit a PR if you have implemented new commands or extended existing constructors.
c := connector.NewHTTPConnector("localhost:1234")
sm, err := yubihsm.NewSessionManager(c, 1, "password", 2)
if err != nil {
echoMessage := []byte("test")
command, err := commands.CreateEchoCommand(echoMessage)
if err != nil {
resp, err := sm.SendEncryptedCommand(command)
if err != nil {
parsedResp, matched := resp.(*commands.EchoResponse)
if !matched {
panic("invalid response type")
if bytes.Equal(parsedResp.Data, echoMessage) {
println("successfully echoed data")
} else {
panic(errors.New("echoed message did not equal requested message"))