Cloud Run File System Sample

This sample shows how to create a service that mounts a gsfuse in a docker application


Cloud Storage FUSE is an open source FUSE adapter that allows you to mount Cloud Storage buckets as file systems on Linux or macOS systems. It also provides a way for applications to upload and download Cloud Storage objects using standard file system semantics. Cloud Storage FUSE can be run anywhere with connectivity to Cloud Storage, including Google Compute Engine VMs or on-premises systems.


  • install docker and docker compose
  • Configure [gcloud]: The gcloud command-line interface is the primary CLI tool to create and manage Google Cloud resources.
  • Generate Service Account: serves the same function as gcloud auth login but uses a service account rather than Google user credentials.


BUCKET_SOURCE  => Bucket Name
BUCKET_PRODUCT => Another Bucket Name


ACCOUNT_NAME => Service account name
PROJECT_ID => project name

Run on local

    docker-compose up --build 
    docker exec -it docker-gfuse_gfuse_1 /bin/bash
    # List Data
    ls /mnt/source
    ls /mnt/source