
Simple HTML template library for C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

NLTemplate - simple HTML template library for C++

Use tags like {{ variable }} or {% include header.html %} or {% block items %}{{ item }}{% endblock %} in your template files. Load the templates with NLTemplate, fill in the variables and setup the repeating blocks with C++ code and render the result to stdout or into a string.


  • Variable replacement
  • Repeatable or optional blocks
  • File includes
  • No external dependencies


  • C++11 (please use the C++98 branch if you need support for legacy compilers)


To start using NLTemplate, add NLTemplate.cpp to your project and make sure NLTemplate.h is in your header search path.


If you use Xcode, just open and run the demo project. On the command line, you could run the demo like this:

git clone git@github.com:catnapgames/NLTemplate.git
cd NLTemplate
gcc -Wall -pedantic -o demo -std=c++11 -lstdc++ NLTemplate/*.cpp

If you are building on a Linux box, ensure that you have buid-essential (or simmilar) installed. Then, in the NLTemplate/NLTemplate directory, build the test app with the following:

make all

Note that the test app's file-based template loader needs the path to the template files in ../Templates. If you attempt to run the app from where it builds, it'll break with an unhandled exception. To get it to work, copy the example program to ../ , then run it from there. For more fun, run it in ddd, or your favorite debugger.


#include <iostream>
#include "NLTemplate.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace NL::Template;

int main(int, char *[] ) {
    const char *titles[ 3 ] = { "Chico", "Harpo", "Groucho" };
    const char *details[ 3 ] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue" };

    LoaderFile loader; // Let's use the default loader that loads files from disk.
    Template t( loader );
    t.load( "test.txt" );               // Load & parse the main template and its dependencies.
    t.set( "text", "Hello, world" );    // Set a top-level variable
    t.block( "items" ).repeat( 3 );     // We need to know in advance that the "items" block will repeat 3 times.
    // Let's fill in the data for the repeated block.
    for ( int i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {
        // Set title and text by accessing the variable directly
        t.block( "items" )[ i ].set( "title", titles[ i ] );
        t.block( "items" )[ i ].set( "text", "Lorem Ipsum" );
        // We can get a shortcut reference to a nested block
        Block & block = t.block( "items" )[ i ].block( "detailblock" );
        block.set( "detail", details[ i ] );
        // Disable this block for the first item in the list. Can be useful for opening/closing HTML tables etc.
        if ( i==0 ) {
    t.render( cout ); // Render the template with the variables we've set above
    return 0;

Example - test.txt

{% include header.txt %}
{% block items %}<p>
  Title: {{ title }}<br/>
  Text: {{ text }}<br/>
  {% block details %}Detail: {{ detail }}{% endblock %}
</p>{% endblock %}

Example - header.txt

<h1>{{ text }}</h1>

Note about HTML

Despite the headline, there is nothing HTML-specific in NLTemplate. You can use XML, JSON or plain text as well for your templates.

Personal note

If you use NLTemplate in a project, I'd love to hear about it. Please do let me know at tom@catnapgames.com. Thanks!

See also

Goes well with NLDatabase - a lightweight SQLite wrapper for C++.