
Video Generation for Audio

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT



VidBudd is a .NET application developed and tested on Linux and written in the F# programming language.

It analyzes an audio file and uses information about the audio to create video frames for assembly via the third-party ffmpeg tool.


VidBudd is designed to run in place, in this git repository clone, after performing the following commands using .NET Core.

Dependencies can be pre-installed with the command below.

dotnet restore

The usage below results in automatic building when required.


The usage example below assumes a list of files has been created for the background video frames. E.g., for frames extracted by the ffmpeg command below, such a file could be created with the subsequent commands. An alternative is to use /dev/null as the (empty) file.

ffmpeg -i $HOME/Downloads/PXL_20201217_140624500.mp4 \
    -vf scale=500:250 \
find $HOME/tmp/sl-water -name "*.bmp" | sort -n > "$bg_frames"

Usage example is shown below.

fps=10; \
wav=$HOME/DP-03/AKS-1-DirtBox.wav; \
dotnet run "$fps" "$wav" /tmp/AKS $bg_frames \
  && ffmpeg -i $wav \
    -y -r $fps \
    -i /tmp/AKS-%04d.jpg \
    -c:v libx264 \
    -vf fps=$fps \
    -pix_fmt yuv420p \
    out.mp4 \
&& vlc out.mp4;