
A framework for creating static websites TDD/BDD style

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Static Website Framework

Built with Grunt

Dependencies && Tools Used

Node v0.10.28














npm cache clean

sudo npm install -g phantomjs

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

sudo npm install -g testem

sudo npm install -g istanbul

sudo npm install

If you get phamtonJS errors because of npm use homebrew

Please Dont forget to remove the .git folder once you clone #Folder Strcuture Please copy the contents of this repo into a folder with your project name.

Project --root

  • App

    • fonts --Custom fonts
    • images --images to be minified
    • scripts --JS source
    • styles --less
    • vendor -- bower_components/random .js librarys
    • views --jade templates
  • Tests

    • fixtures --html fixtures
    • helpers --any test helper libs
    • intergration --casperJS and broswer testing
    • unit --all unit tests for your scripts files



In order to run the test runner for your unit test use the testem command

testem --or

testem ci --continuous intergration mode

testem launchers --output the avaiable browsers

All configuration for the test runner is in


you can copy http://localhost:7357 url and watch your test run in any browser


Theres 3 grunt command you can issue



This command starts up a watch task which will watch your files for changes and compile the code to a generated folder where the final copy will live

It watch for changes on these folders all styles/.less all scripts/.js all views/.jade all fonts/ all vender/

once there's an edit on any of these folders it will run the linting service if that passed then it will compile and conact them to css js and html into a

generated/styles/.css generated/scripts/.js generated/views/.html

For vendor and fonts

It doesn't do any compliation of the files just copys them into the generated directory

This is where your static files will live

Grunt e2e

grunt e2e

This task is made to run you intergration test suite using casperjs

Grunt prod

grunt prod

This task does everything the dev task does exepcts it also minifys your images

As a side not both grunt test and grunt coverage should NOT!! be used through the command line use TESTEM instead

Grunt test

grunt test

This task runs browserify in the current process or you can use testem/npm test to have testem run a sub process.

The point of this command is to run browserify on you test dependices and output a browserified.js file which contains all your specs and src files to run your test suite against

Grunt coverage

grunt coverage

This task runs the mocha_istanbul task in the grunt config.. It will output a coverage folder with all your coverage reports for the JS files you have in your project.



This file takes all your .js/css files and adds some predefinded styling conventions to the src files.. He helps keep style and continuity within a project of its src file and helps create a convention on how the code should be structured



This is the file that hold a huge json configuration of all the hint options you would like to configure for the project..

See all possible options here js-hint