
Tools for DAMPE anisotropy analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is the anisotropy methods study by M. Stolpovskiy
Work started in Dec 2018

tools.py : a set of useful PYTHON tools for anisotropy, like:
    - Simulation of observations
    - Reconstruction of the dipole
    - Setting the dipole upper limit
    - Tophat smoothing
    - Sky filtering
    - Anisotropy significance

I use the Jupyter Notebook a lot. Here are some notebooks created:

significance_formula.ipynb : 
    discussion about the significance formula for the tophat smoothed maps

dipole_sensitivity.ipynb : 
    The most general way to get the UL for the dipole amplitude.
    The experimental UL discussed.

dipole_sensitivity_thr.ipynb : 
    More optimized way, with noise thresholding. Allows to get lower UL.

rate-based_MC.ipynb :
    MC comparison of the event-shuffling and rate-based methods.
    Conclusion: rate-based is good and event-shuffling is bad
    However, the UL results are still valid, because the
        badness of the event-shuffling is only evident with
        high enough dipole amplitude.

In order to run any of these notebooks you'll need an iso_map.npy -- a file
    which contains a numpy array with the isotropy (exposure) map in galactic coordinates.
Software requirements: Python 2 with
    - numpy
    - matplotlib
    - scipy
    - healpy of version