Create an automatic analysis pipeline based on screen sessions.
❯ python -h
Job Submission Pipeline
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input file
-fish GW_FISH, --GWFish_folder GW_FISH
GWFish analysis folder
This code asks for an input text file containing the list of the objects. The analysis folder has a default value which can be updated using the corresponding flag.
Here an example:
python -i grbs.txt
Which generates a number of screen sessions as the number of input elements:
❯ screen -ls
There are screens on:
42516.GRB_session_061217 (Detached)
42498.GRB_session_090417A (Detached)
42506.GRB_session_090515 (Detached)
42503.GRB_session_060502B (Detached)
42521.GRB_session_111117A (Detached)
42502.GRB_session_070209 (Detached)
42511.GRB_session_100206A (Detached)
42512.GRB_session_100625A (Detached)
42499.GRB_session_100628A (Detached)
42519.GRB_session_100117A (Detached)
10 Sockets in /var/folders/0d/pj6l57_n3131rvssv1hwgdw80000gp/T/.screen.
Each screen session can be normally resumed with the usual -r flag.
After the analysis script ends the screen session remains alive.