Automatic Keyboard

This is a simple project written for an STM32F411 Black Pill board. It uses the USB HID protocol to send keystrokes to a computer, using STM32 HAL library.


  1. Install STM32Cube Programmer:

  2. Install the ARM GCC toolchain:

  3. Build the project using the make file:

    make all
  4. Connect the STM32F411 board to your computer using an ST-Link programmer.

  5. Flash the board using the make file:

    /path/to/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin/STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -w build/keyboard.bin 0x8000000
  6. Connect the USB port of the board to your computer. The board should now be recognized as a keyboard by your computer. You may have to reset the board after flashing it.


  • The board is connected to a computer using the USB port.
  • You are using a standard English keyboard layout.
  • You are running Windows or Ubuntu.
  • You have Google Chrome installed and set up with at least two profiles.