
Primary LanguageDockerfile


Update My quota for Git Large File Storage is exceeded, but you can still find these images on registry.redhat.io

This repo contains the builder image and base Ansible EE image for running ansible-builder in a disconnected environment.

  • ansible-builder-rhel8.tar.gz
  • ee-supported-rhel8.tar.gz

Also available is a customized Ansible EE image with Kerberos client installed.

  • echong_custome_ee2.tar.gz

These tar.gz files are uploaded using Git Large File Storage https://git-lfs.github.com/

The disconnected_ee directory contains necessary build files for disconnected environment.


  • context/Containerfile has been modifed after running ansible-builder build, make a backup copy before running ansible-build command again.
  • The context/pip.conf is pointing PIP to another server hosting the Pypi repos. Update it with your local Pypi repo information. A temporary one can be created using pypi-mirror https://pypi.org/project/python-pypi-mirror/
  • To create the context directory, run ansible-builder create
  • To build a new image, run podman build -f context/Containerfile -t disconnected_ee



Automatic EE build

Some Github actions to automatically build the EE.


[https://github.com/cloin/ee-builds]Colin McNaughton's repo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFu_T5j4GDo]Colin McNaughton's Youtube video