Version 1.0 (release notes): Node-config is ready to break out of its pre-1.0 shell since the original release in Oct. 2010. Version 1.0 preview is in the current master branch, and will be published to npm after a short soaking period. Check out the master branch if you'd like a preview prior to the npm release.
Node-config organizes configurations for your app deployments.
It lets you define a set of default parameters, and extend them for different deployment environments (development, qa, staging, production, etc.).
This gives your application code a consistent configuration interface, shared among a growing list of npm modules also using node-config.
- Simple - Get started fast
- Powerful - For multi-node enterprise deployment
- Flexible - Supporting multiple config file formats
- Lightweight - Small file and memory footprint
- Predictable - Well tested foundation for module and app developers
The following examples are in JSON format, but configurations can be in other file formats.
Install in your app directory, and edit the default config file.
$ npm install config
$ mkdir config
$ vi config/default.json
// Customter module configs
"Customer": {
"dbConfig": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5984,
"dbName": "customers"
"credit": {
"initialLimit": 100,
// Set low for development
"initialDays": 1
Edit config overrides for production deployment:
$ vi config/production.json
"Customer": {
"dbConfig": {
"host": "prod-db-server"
"credit": {
"initialDays": 30
Use configs in your code:
var config = require('config');
var dbConfig = config.get('Customer.dbConfig');
db.connect(dbConfig, ...);
Start your app server:
$ export NODE_ENV=production
$ node my-app.js
Running in this configuration, the port
and dbName
elements of dbConfig
will come from the default.json
file, and the host
element will
come from the production.json
override file.
- Configuration Files
- Common Usage
- Environment Variables
- Reserved Words
- Command Line Overrides
- Multiple Node Instances
- Sub-Module Configuration
- Configuring from a DB / External Source
- External Configuration Management Tools
- Examining Configuration Sources
- Using Config Utilities
- Upgrading from Config 0.x
May be freely distributed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Loren West and other contributors