
Lock-free SPSC (Single-Producer,Single-Consumer) ring buffer for embedded systems

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Ring Buffer

A simple lock free, SPSC (single Producer, Single Consumer), FIFO (First In, Fist Out) ring buffer implementation in C. Ring buffer works as a wrapper around an array, providing item storage up to (size) - 1 items. Heavily inspired by lock free ring buffer implementations by QuantumLeap and lwrb implementation MaJerle.

How it works

This implementation of ring buffer tries to be as simple as possible while providing an acceptable performance on small processors (micro-controlers for embedded systems). The implementation doesn't rely on locks or critical sections but relies on atomic operations (read/write) for ring buffer's read/write pointers.

To ensure correct operation, there are following conditions must be met:

  • ring buffer is shared between only 2 threads or tasks.

  • only 1 thread or task writes to the ring buffer, and only 1 thread or task reads from the ring buffer (single producer, single consumer).

  • ring buffer internal read/write pointers configured to match processor's general purpose registers size. For 8-bit processors, ring buffer's read/write pointers should be 8-bits wide. For a 32-bit processor, read/write pointers must be 32-bit wide 1.

  • ring buffer's read/write ointers are aligned correctly

When the previous conditions are met, ring buffer will operate correctly even when the producer task and the consumer task interrupt each other.


 * file: main.c
#include "ring_buffer/ring_buffer.h"


int main(void)
    RingBuffer_t ring_buffer;   /* ring buffer instance */
    RingBuffer_Item_t ring_buffer_data [RING_BUFFER_DATA_SIZE] = {0};   /* ring buffer data (memory where ring buffer items will be stored) */
    RingBuffer_Error_t error;   /* ring buffer error code */

	RingBuffer_Item_t single_item;
	RingBuffer_Item_t items [RING_BUFFER_DATA_SIZE];
	RingBuffer_Counter_t count;
	uint8_t is_full;
	uint8_t is_empty;

	/* initialize ring buffer instance */
	error = RingBuffer_enInit(&ring_buffer, ring_buffer_data, sizeof(ring_buffer_data) / sizeof(RingBuffer_Item_t));

	/* put an item into ring buffer */
	error = RingBuffer_enPutItem(&ring_buffer, &single_item);

	/* put multiple items into ring buffer */
	error = RingBuffer_enPutItems(&ring_buffer, items, 10, &count);

	/* peek multiple items (8) from ring buffer after an offset (3)  */
	error = RingBuffer_enPeekItems(&ring_buffer, items, 8, 3, &count);

	/* get number of free locations in the ring buffer */
	error = RingBuffer_enFreeCount(&ring_buffer, &count);

	/* get number of available items in the ring buffer */
	error = RingBuffer_enIemCount(&ring_buffer, &count);

	/* get an item from ring buffer */
	error = RingBuffer_enGetItem(&ring_buffer, &single_item);

	/* get multiple items from ring buffer */
	error = RingBuffer_enGetItems(&ring_buffer, items, 10, &count);

	/*  check if rig buffer is full  */
	error = RingBuffer_enIsFull(&ring_buffer, &is_full);

	/*  check if rig buffer is empty  */
	error = RingBuffer_enIsFull(&ring_buffer, &is_empty);

Check main.c for more usage examples, and documentation files


Check the header file ./Modules/ring_buffer/ring_buffer.h for functions & their documentation. You can also build doxygen documentations, doxygen configuration file is in ./Docs/doxygen/Doxyfile


Ring buffer can be configured using pre-processor definitions. These definition can be supplied during build (using -D option for GCC), or by editing it in ./Modules/ring_buffer/ring_buffer.h.


This definition sets the data type for ring buffer's read/write pointers (RingBuffer_Counter_t), which is used as the ring buffer's read/write pointer type. It's also used as the type for the ring buffer's size, which sets the maximum number of items the ring buffer can store. If not supplied, it defaults to uint32_t.


A pre-processor definition used to set ring buffer's data array type (RingBuffer_Item_t). Usually ring buffers array data type is uint8_t. This implementation of ring buffer uses memcpy to copy data to/from ring buffer data array, which allows storing user defined data. If not supplied, it defaults to uint8_t.


  • to include ring buffer in your project, you only need 3 files, ./Modules/ring_buffer/ring_buffer.c, ./Modules/ring_buffer/ring_buffer.h and ./Modules/utils/utils.h.

  • written completely in C99, without using dynamic memory allocation (it's up to the caller to allocate ring buffer's memory, either on the heap or the stack)


A make file is supplied to build ring buffer as a static library for windows or STM32F1xx, using GCC. The makefile can be edited to build ring buffer using your toolchain, or define your GCC path and/or prefix using GCC_PATH=path/to/gcc/dir PREFIX=arm-none-eabi when invoking make command.

Default target is make all, builds example code, tests and static library

Build options

Build options that can be supplied when invoking make, multiple options can be used at the same time

make [option_1=vlaue [option_2=value ...]] [target]
  • GCC_PATH: path to GCC directory, optional if GCC (compiler & build tools) is not in path

  • PREFIX: GCC executable prefix (PREFIX-gcc.exe), default is arm-none-eabi- when building for STM32F10xx and empty when building for Win

  • platform: accepted values [Win STM32]. Build for STM32F10xx or windows

    • Win : build for windows (default)

    • STM32: build for STM32F10xx

  • build: build type, accepted values [Debug, Release, RelMinSize]

    • Debug: optimize for debugging and include deugging symbols in executable (default)

    • Release: compile with optimization using -O2 optimization flag

    • RelMinSize: compile and optimize for size using -Os flag

Build targets

All build targets (except for docs, clean_all and clean_docs) can be called with platform and build options

  • ringbuffer : build ring buffer example code

     make ringbuffer platform=Win build=Debug
     make ringbuffer platform=Win build=Relese
     make ringbuffer platform=Win build=RelMinSize
     make ringbuffer platform=STM32 build=Debug
     make ringbuffer platform=STM32 build=Relese
     make ringbuffer platform=STM32 build=RelMinSize
  • libringbuffer : build ring buffer as a static library

     make libringbuffer platform=Win build=Debug
     make libringbuffer platform=Win build=Relese
     make libringbuffer platform=Win build=RelMinSize
     make libringbuffer platform=STM32 build=Debug
     make libringbuffer platform=STM32 build=Relese
     make libringbuffer platform=STM32 build=RelMinSize
  • test : build ring buffer test code, using unity framework for C unit testing

     make test platform=Win build=Debug
     make test platform=Win build=Relese
     make test platform=STM32 build=Debug
     make test platform=STM32 build=Relese
  • docs : generate Doxygen documentation as HTML files

     make docs
  • clean: clean build directory of current build

     make clean platform=Win build=Debug
  • clean_all: cleans the root build directory

  • clean_docs: cleans generated documenations


  1. Ring buffer read/write pointer (RingBuffer_Counter_t type) can be configured as 8-bit or 16-bit for a 32-bit processor, if a the processor supports instructions to read/write 8-bit or 16-bit variables in a single cycle.

  2. Almost all ring buffer functions include input parameters checking (check for null pointers, zero length data, etc). To enable input parameters checking, enable DEBUG pre-processor directive, either by including it in main.h or during vompile time -DDEBUG.