
Signaturit Groovy SDK

Primary LanguageGroovyMIT LicenseMIT

Signaturit Groovy SDK

This package is a wrapper for Signaturit Api. If you didn't read the documentation yet, maybe it's time to take a look here.

You can compile, test and build jar using gradle.

cd signaturit-groovy-sdk
gradle jar

Build and install artifact

You can install signaturit jar in your local maven repository (or modify build.gradle to add your maven remote you use)

cd signaturit-groovy-sdk
gradle install

If you are using your local maven repository remember to add mavenLocal() or <localRepository>/path/to/local/repo</localRepository> in your project in order to dependencies will be resolved successfully.

Integration test

Signaturit groovy client uses Spock as testing and specification framework. If you want to run all api integration tests, you will need to do the following customization tasks in SignaturitClientSpec class before running them:

Add a valid OAuth token:

static final VALID_TOKEN = "put_a_valid_token_here_before_run_your_tests"

Add a valid RECIPIENT information:

static final RECIPIENTS = [[fullname:"PUT_YOUR_NAME_HERE", email:"nacho.orme@gmail.com"]]

Once these customizations have been made, you can run all library tests:

gradle test

and see results in the following directory:



Add following dependency in your JVM project:

compile "com.signaturit:signaturit-groovy-sdk:1.0"

You will need to import only one class to start using Signaturit:

import com.signaturit.api.groovy_sdk.SignaturitClient;

Then you can authenticate yourself using your AuthToken

SignaturitClient signaturitClient = new SignaturitClient("TOKEN");

Remember, the default calls are made to our Sandbox server. If you want to do in production, just set the flag when you do the call.

SignaturitClient client = new SignaturitClient("TOKEN", true);


Signature request

Get all signature requests

Retrieve all data from your signature requests using different filters.

All signatures
response = client.get_signatures();
Getting the last 50 signatures
response = client.get_signatures(50,0) 
Getting the following last 50 signatures
response = client.get_signatures(50,0)
Getting only the finished signatures
response = client.get_signatures (100, 0, [status:3]}
Getting the finished signatures created since July 20th of 2014
response = client.get_signatures (100, 0, [status:3,since:'2014-7-20'])
Getting signatures with custom field "crm_id"
response = client.get_signatures(100,0,[data:[crm_id:2445]]) 

Count signature requests

Count your signature requests.

response = client.count_signatures()

Get signature request

Get a single signature request.

response = client.get_signature('SIGNATURE_ID')

Get signature documents

Get all documents from a signature request.

response = client.get_signature_documents('SIGNATURE_ID')

Get signature document

Get a single document from a signature request.

response = client.get_signature_document('SIGNATURE_ID','DOCUMENT_ID')

Signature request

Create a new signature request. Check all params.

recipients =  [[fullname:"Bob Soap", email:"bobsoap@signatur.it"]]
params = [subject: 'Receipt number 250', body: 'Please, can you sign this document?']
file_path = '/documents/contracts/125932_important.pdf'
response = client.create_signature (file_path, recipients, params)

You can send templates with the fields filled

recipients =  [[fullname:"Bob Soap", email:"bobsoap@signatur.it"]]
params = [subject: 'Receipt number 250', body: 'Please, can you sign this document?', templates:['TEMPLATE_ID'], :ata => [WIDGET_ID: 'DEFAULT_VALUE']]

response = client.create_signature(null,RECIPIENTS,params)

You can add custom info in your requests

recipients =  [[fullname:"Bob Soap", email:"bobsoap@signatur.it"]]
params = [subject: 'Receipt number 250', body: 'Please, can you sign this document?', data: [crm_id:2445]]
file_path = '/documents/contracts/125932_important.pdf'
response = client.create_signature (file_path, recipients, params)

Cancel signature request

Cancel a signature request.

response = client.cancel_signature('SIGNATURE_ID')

Send reminder

Send a reminder for signature request job.

response = client.send_signature_reminder('SIGNATURE_ID', 'DOCUMENT_ID')

Get audit trail

Get the audit trail of a signature request document and save it in the submitted path.

response = client.download_audit_trail ('ID', 'DOCUMENT_ID', '/path/doc.pdf')

Get signed document

Get the signed document of a signature request document and save it in the submitted path.

response = client.download_signed_document('ID', 'DOCUMENT_ID', '/path/doc.pdf')


Get account

Retrieve the information of your account.

response = client.get_account()


Get brandings

Get all account brandings.

response = client.get_brandings()

Get branding

Get a single branding.

response = client.get_branding('BRANDING_ID')

Create branding

Create a new branding. You can check all branding params here.`

params = [
    corporate_layout_color: '#FFBF00',
    corporate_text_color: '#2A1B0A',
    application_texts: [ :sign_button: 'Sign!' ]
response = client.create_branding(params)

Update branding

Update a single branding.

params = [ application_texts: [send_button: 'Send!' ]]
response = client.update_branding ('BRANDING_ID', params)

Update branding logo

Change the branding logo.

file_path = '/path/new_logo.png'
response = client.update_branding_logo('BRANDING_ID', file_path)

Update branding template

Change a template. Learn more about the templates here.

file_path = '/path/new_template.html'
response = client.update_branding_email('BRANDING_ID', 'sign_request', file_path)


Get all templates

Retrieve all data from your templates.

response = client.get_templates()


Get email

Get a single email

client.get_email ('EMAIL_ID')

Get email certificates

Get a single email certificates


Get email certificate

Get a single email certificate

client.get_email_certificate('EMAIL_ID', 'CERTIFICATE_ID')

Create email

Create a new certified email.

file_path  = '/path/document.pdf'
recipients = [[fullname : 'Mr John', email : 'john.doe@signaturit.com']]
response  = client.create_email (file_path, recipients, 'groovy subject', 'groovy body', [])

Get original file

Get the original document of an email request and save it in the submitted path.

response = client.download_email_original_file ('EMAIL_ID','CERTIFICATE_ID','/path/doc.pdf')

Get audit trail document

Get the audit trail document of an email request and save it in the submitted path.

response = client.download_email_audit_trail ('EMAIL_ID','CERTIFICATE_ID','/path/doc.pdf')

Debugging and troubleshooting

You can turn low level traces on using following logging options to the groovy command:
