
Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Postgrest Example

To Start

docker-compose up -d server

Postgrest (and postgres) should now be running in container and ports exposed. Port 3000 for postgrest, and 5432 for postgres.

docker-compose run sqitch sqitch deploy should deploy the recipe schema and some data to postgres.

Assuming that runs without error, we will want to verify the deployment:

docker-compose run sqitch sqitch verify will run tests against the schema, making sure tables and views are there.

Assuming that goes as planned, we can test the API too:

curl http://localhost:3000/steps_view should retrieve data from the recipes api.

Now, we might want to order the results: curl http://localhost:3000/steps_view?order=step_name

Or, we might want to retrieve a subset of the data: curl http://localhost:3000/steps_view?select=step_name,recipe_name

The rest you'll find in the postgrest docs.