Twitter Stance Dataset


Twitter Stance Dataset

We report on the preparation of a stance data set, called COVID-CQ, for user-generated content on Twitter in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly, we investigated more than 14 thousand tweets and annotated the opinions of the tweet initiators regarding the use of "Chloroquine" and "Hydroxychloroquine" for the treatment or prevention from the coronavirus.

In our annotation procedure, each annotator was asked to annotate the individual tweets as "Against","Favor" or "Neutral/None" for the unproven claim of "Cxhloroquine/hydroxychloroquine is cure for the novel coronavirus".

In case you use the dataset please cite:

APA: Mutlu, E. C., Oghaz, T., Jasser, J., Tutunculer, E., Rajabi, A., Tayebi, A., Ozmen, O. & Garibay, I. (2020). A Stance Data Set on Polarized Conversations on Twitter about the Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine as a Treatment for COVID-19. Data in Brief, 106401.

Bibtex: @article{mutlu2020stance, title={A Stance Data Set on Polarized Conversations on Twitter about the Efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine as a Treatment for COVID-19}, author={Mutlu, Ece C and Oghaz, Toktam and Jasser, Jasser and Tutunculer, Ege and Rajabi, Amirarsalan and Tayebi, Aida and Ozmen, Ozlem and Garibay, Ivan}, journal={Data in Brief}, pages={106401}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier} }

PS: Labels representation: 0 -> None/Neutral 1 -> Against 2 -> Favor

We are aware that some of the tweets are removed from Twitter. If you want to access those deleted tweet items and/or have any trouble related to hydrating, feel free to reach out to us. Email addresses: ece.mutlu@ucf.edu, Toktam.Oghaz@ucf.edu, Jasser.Jasser@ucf.edu