
Ansible role to install tools required to work with containers & k8s - Repository mirror - development takes place on code.europa.eu

European Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

ECGALAXY containers_toolbox role

Ansible role which installs tools required to work with containers, image registries and Kubernetes clusters.

List of tools:

  • argocd
  • cosign
  • dive
  • eksctl
  • helm
  • k9s
  • kpack CLI (kp)
  • kubectl
  • kubeseal
  • pack
  • regctl
  • skopeo (*)

(*) Skopeo installation not yet supported on Amazon Linux 2 and Ubuntu before 22.04 LTS.


  • The unzip command, which can be provided by the ecgalaxy.common_packages role.

Role Variables

For the list of all the available variables check the files under defaults/ and vars/.


  • optional: ecgalaxy.common_packages

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - ecgalaxy.bootstrap
    - ecgalaxy.common_packages
    - ecgalaxy.containers_toolbox


Copyright the European Union 2022.

Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later.

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