
Ansible role which installs Apache JMeter - Repository mirror - development takes place on code.europa.eu

European Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

ECGALAXY Apache JMeter

This Ansible role installs Apache JMeter.


  • The unzip command, which can be provided by ecgalaxy.common_packages
  • A Java runtime present on the target machine

Role Variables

  • jmeter_version: The version of JMeter to be installed.
  • jmeter_download_dir: The directory where JMeter is going to be downloaded.
  • jmeter_checksum:: The checksum of the specific tar.gz that has been chosen for the installation. This is available on the official website.
  • jmeter_install_dir:: The place where JMeter is going to be installed.


  • optional: ecgalaxy.common_packages

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - ecgalaxy.bootstrap
    - ecgalaxy.common_packages
    - ecgalaxy.jmeter


Copyright the European Union 2022.

Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later.

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