
Ansible role which installs PHP language and extensions - Repository mirror - development takes place on code.europa.eu

European Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

ECGALAXY php role

This Ansible role installs PHP and extensions.

Supported PHP versions: 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 (default).



Role Variables

  • php_version: the PHP version to install
  • php_enabled_apt_repos: additional APT repositories to enable
  • php_enabled_yum_repos: additional Yum repositories to enable
  • php_installed_packages: the list of packages to install
  • php_installed_packages_extra: additional packages to install
  • php_install_xdebug: should Xdebug be installed or not
  • php_install_oci8_extension: should the OCI8 extension be installed or not
  • php_oci8_extension_ini_path: where to store the OCI8 ini file (Ubuntu)
  • php_oracle_instantclient_path: Oracle Instant Client path
  • php_remove_al2_extras_packages: should amazon-linux-extras PHP packages be removed or not

See defaults and vars for the default values.


  • optional: ecgalaxy.bootstrap
  • optional: ecgalaxy.common_packages
  • optional: ecgalaxy.oracle_instantclient

On Amazon Linux 2 and Ubuntu, the ecgalaxy.oracle_instantclient role should be executed first if php_install_oci8_extension is set to true (which is the default value).

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - ecgalaxy.bootstrap
    - ecgalaxy.common_packages
    - ecgalaxy.oracle_instantclient
    - ecgalaxy.php


To globally install the default PHP version:

bash <(curl -s https://code.europa.eu/-/snippets/1/raw/main/ansible-role.sh) ecgalaxy.php

To globally install PHP 8.2:

bash <(curl -s https://code.europa.eu/-/snippets/1/raw/main/ansible-role.sh) ecgalaxy.php --extra-vars '{"php_version":"8.2"}'

You may need to execute the ecgalaxy.oracle_instantclient first (Amazon Linux 2, Ubuntu):

bash <(curl -s https://code.europa.eu/-/snippets/1/raw/main/ansible-role.sh) ecgalaxy.oracle_instantclient

See ansible-role for instructions.

Please verify the script integrity first.

Using multiple PHP versions

Installing and using multiple PHP versions is supported by executing the role multiple times with different values of php_version.

To switch to another version, use the sudo update-alternatives (Ubuntu) or module load php<version> (Amazon Linux, RedHat) command.

For instance, to switch to PHP 8.2:

On Ubuntu:

sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.2

On Amazon Linux, RedHat:

. /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
module load php82


Copyright the European Union 2022.

Licensed under the EUPL-1.2 or later.

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