DwellWell - DwellWell is an app built on ruby on rails with mongoDB using Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) mongoid for roommates to track chores.
Ruby version 2.1.2p95
Rails version 4.1.6
Mongo DB version 2.6
Devise version 3.4.0
Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails
Foundation-rails version
Is a gem to make it super easy to use Foundation in your Rails project
Mongoid version 4.0.0
Mongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB
Database creation on ruby on rails follow the instruction posed here: docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/tutorial/getting-started-with-ruby-on-rails-3/
User should be able to sign in and sign out
User should be able to create house
User should be able to invite others to the house
User should be able to create a chore or list of chores
User should be able to mark chore(s) complete
User shoule be able to assign chore to a roommate or rommmates
User should be able to add a bill or add list of bills
User should be able to mark bill(s) paid
User should be reminded when bill due date is
User should be able to setup recurring bills