
care for your virtual pet by tweeting

Primary LanguageRuby


GA WDI DC August 2014, Project 1


Tweetagotchi is a virtual pet you care for by tweeting. It was inspired by my own struggles with tweeting regularly. I want to be engaged with webdev communities online, but when I come across something interesting or have a cool idea I tend to engage in person rather than online. Tweetagotchi provides a new (and more urgent) incentive for tweeting - keeping your pet alive.

Tweetagotchi was developed as a sample Rails project for the August 2014 Web Development Immersive course at General Assembly. It was developed over a 3 day sprint to model the agile software development process.

Technologies Used

  • Ruby 2.1.1
  • Ruby on Rails 4.1.1
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Authentication using OmniAuth 1.2.2
  • Testing using using rspec

User Stories Completed

  • As a user I can login with twitter
  • As a user I can see my pet
  • A user's pet gets hungry each day unless the user has tweeted within the past 24 hours
  • A user's pet's image changes according to its hunger level

User Stories for Possible New Features

  • As a user I can set goal for how often I want to tweet
  • As a user I can change my tweet goals
  • As a user I can view pets of people I follow


A full list of user stories can be found by looking at this Pivotal Tracker Project


Written by Erica Geiser