
Kotlin fluent assertion library demo

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Fluent Assertions

Simple (work in progress) demo app to compare assertion libraries on Kotlin and Android (coming soon)

Evaluation currently includes

Other Kotlin assertion frameworks

  • JUnit5 (source) - not yet supported on Android*
  • Hamcrest (source) - matchers ex. assertThat(theBiscuit, equalTo(myBiscuit))
  • AssertJ (source) - the original fluent assertions for Java
  • kotlin.test (source) - Kotlin's built-in assertions
  • Strikt (source) - lambdas and extension functions
  • Kluent) (source) - infix notation ex. "hello" shouldBeEqualTo "hello"
  • Atrium (source) - mutliplatform support
  • Expekt (source) - BDD style assertions ex. 23.should.equal(23)
  • HamKrest (source) - Kotlin matchers assertThat("xyz", startsWith("x") and !containsSubstring("a"))
  • Kotest (source) - popular (4k+ stars) assertions and full test framework with multiplatform support

* open source Gradle plugin for running JUnit5 tests on Android