
-- This is an ongoing project, it wasn't made for Chicago Geographer, but this early version was uploaded in response to a post on his discord page for testing purposes --

Install Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey (Firefox), click this link and then choose the install option....hopefully it works lol.

The counter can be repositioned by dragging it around. Clicking on the counter will open up more information. Clicking on "streak", "last", or "max" will show the rounds on the map. Right clicking on the counter will open a menu so that you can pause the script or show/hide the player icon. At the end of the streak a menu should pop up letting you chose to continue the streak, do get used to clicking on that lol . Pressing 1 will increase the counter; pressing 2 will decrease the counter; and pressing 0 will clear the counter, sometimes these keys don't work properly.

There are a lot of countries that the script doesn't recognize yet or is not accurate near their borders.

On first install the counter will be faded, like it has been paused, but should still work. To fix/unfade it: right click and select "Unpause streak" two times. If you want to show the player icon select "show player" after you have "fixed" the faded counter.