regressis (regression of spectroscopic and imaging systematics) is a package to regress variations of target/galaxy density against a set of templates accounting for observational conditions.
Strict requirements are:
- scikit-learn (and dependencies)
- fitsio
- healpy
- astropy
Documentation is hosted on Read the Docs, regressis docs.
If you made use this code for your research, reference it by citing Chaussidon et al. 2022.
Simply run:
python -m pip install git+
First (if you do not use a ssh-key):
git clone
Or (if you use a ssh-key):
git clone
To install the code:
python install --user
Or in development mode (any change to Python code will take place immediately):
python develop --user
Check the installation using the test file. No errors should appear.
python regressis/tests/
regressis is free software distributed under a BSD3 license. For details see the LICENSE.