Python Class to allow simple logging of processes in SQL server
At the moment the logging is configure for running with a local mssql docker image which happens to run on
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Pa__w0rd" -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest
The package contains three main features:
1. Log() class
2. PeriodicLog() class
3. logged() decorator
This class create a log object by:
my_log = Log(
app_name='best App',
log_detail='json string of the detail of what the App just did,'
* run the APP *
Which may then be updated using the update() method:
my_log.update(log_status=50, log_detail='Same detail as above apended with any relevant information from the running app.')
* run more APP *
my_log.update(log_status=100, log_detail='Same detail as above apended with any relevant information from the run app.')
This class simply creates a log and keeps updating itself every N second, where N is given by the period parameter.
In the event it receives a SIGINT stop message it will write a last update.
Logging wrapper for simplest logging of a function. Creates entry in log table : "log_funct_" + with the function's arguments as log_detail Updates the log entry after completion of function with status=100 and log_detail of function's arguments and ouput of the function
def sum(a,b,c):
return a+b+c
now any call of sum() will be logged.