
python class to allow explicit, periodic or decorator logging of processes in SQL Server

Primary LanguagePython

SQL logging


Python Class to allow simple logging of processes in SQL server


At the moment the logging is configure for running with a local mssql docker image which happens to run on

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Pa__w0rd" -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux:latest

The package contains three main features:

1. Log() class
2. PeriodicLog() class
3. logged() decorator

Log() class

This class create a log object by:

    my_log = Log(
        app_name='best App',
        log_detail='json string of the detail of what the App just did,'
    * run the APP *

Which may then be updated using the update() method:

    my_log.update(log_status=50, log_detail='Same detail as above apended with any relevant information from the running app.')
    * run more APP *
    my_log.update(log_status=100, log_detail='Same detail as above apended with any relevant information from the run app.')

PeriodicLog() class

This class simply creates a log and keeps updating itself every N second, where N is given by the period parameter.

In the event it receives a SIGINT stop message it will write a last update.

logged() decorator

Logging wrapper for simplest logging of a function. Creates entry in log table : "log_funct_" + funct.name with the function's arguments as log_detail Updates the log entry after completion of function with status=100 and log_detail of function's arguments and ouput of the function


    def sum(a,b,c):
        return a+b+c

now any call of sum() will be logged.