
a little game project

Primary LanguagePython


a little game project

running raidlike

requires unicurses library to be in the same directory

unicurses is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyunicurses/

to run a boring, square level, type: python3 main.py

to run a less boring level, type: python3 main.py level_mockup

to run an interesting line of sight test, type: python3 main.py los_test

playing raidlike

as per most roguelikes

implemented keys are:

arrows: move
hyujklbn: move
x: look
q: quit (or leave look context)

editing raidlike levels

the level (block one)

this is a one-to-one map of the level, using 'glyphs' to represent in-game entities

the glyph set (block two)

this starts at the keyword "Glyphs"

each glyph is mapped to one in-game class

after the class name, you can change attributes by adding a colon and specifying the attributes

for example, an enemy with 1 health and 0 damage might be E:enemy:health=1,damage=0

the available classes and attributes are:

  • entity: xpos, ypos, description, display, displayColor, displayPriority, memoryDisplayColor, name

  • wall: (all above)

  • enemy: (all above, plus) moveCost, health, damage

  • player: (all above, plus) playerName, className

the trigger set (block three)

this starts at the keyword "Triggers"

it currently does nothing, but the keyword must be present!

quirks, tips, and warnings

if no player glyph is added, the level will never render

if multiple player glyphs are added, they will take turns taking turns

if a ring of outer walls are not added, the player CAN take a long walk into nowhere

if a wall exists on the opposite side of the level, they cannot take a walk into nowhere

but seriously, just make a ring of walls around all levels, please

if you specify an attribute that doesn't exist (or typo!), it will crash with a TypeError at runtime, specifying the offending attribute

if you get a ValueError ("need more than 1 value to unpack"), make sure you have all keywords (Glyphs, Triggers) in the level file