Adding echo3D to Snapdragon Spaces SDK sample
Don't have an API key? Make sure to register for FREE at echo3D.
To see how echo3D works with the Spaces Unity SDK, you can either clone this project, or follow this guide:
- Open the sample project that arrives with the Spaces Unity package and open the Hand Tracking Sample scene.
- Export the Mirror and Player objects from the models folder of the scene located in here. To export, right click on the model, then choose "Export glTF" and choose glTF-Binary. Alternatively, you can use the models in our Models folder
- Upload the exported files to your echo3D project.
- Add the metadata. You can use the data files in our Data folder
- Install the echo3D Unity SDK.
- Set the API key in the Inspector of the echo3D game object. In the tags filed, write "handTracking".
- Disable the Mirror and Player objects in your unity scene.
Simply press the Play button in Unity.