Team4's source code for Computer Vision course that implement some image classification models
This repository contains our some image classification model implementations (AlexNet, VGG19, ResNet152, Convnext), report about performance of these models for the mid-term project of INT3412E 20 in VNU-UET.
With ImageNet dataset, because of limitation about hardware and time, we can't train models that we have implemented with train data of this dataset so that we have used Pytorch pretrained models to predict class of images in validation data (which includes 50k images of 1000 classes (labels)).
With Intel dataset, we have trained our models on training data (14034 images of 6 labels), adjusted hyper parameters using validation data (3000 images) and evaluated on test data (7000 images).
Below is model architectures that we have built:
AlexNet Architecture
VGG19 Architecture
RestNet152 Architecture
ConvNeXt Architecture
Result for imagenet dataset
Resulf for intel dataset
Models' Performance
Confusion Matrix
Here is our results when set hyper-parameters as:
Batch-size: 64
Learning rate: 1e-4
Epochs: 30
You can easily reproduce our results by doing following steps:
Step 1: If you had have a Kaggle account omit this step or else you need to create one
Step 2: Log in to kaggle, go to Setting, create new API token and download kaggle.json file to Downloads folder
Step 3: Run these commands to create a API token that used to download dataset:
mkdir ~/.kaggle
cd ~/Downloads
mv kaggle.json ~/.kaggle
chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json // if you use linux
Step 4: Clone our repository and create environment:
// (Optional) Create a new conda environment
conda create -n cv python=3.11
conda activate cv
// Clone and install the necessary packages
cd <folder-path>
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: Download dataset:
kaggle datasets download --unzip thieuluu/cv-data
Step 6:
python // if you want to see results for imagenet dataset
python --help // to see options when experiment with intel image classification dataset
// Eg:
python --model alexnet --seed 0 --batch 64 --learning_rate 1e-4 --epochs 30