inspired by the moog subharmonicon, a 1 to 8-step one to four-lane (hopefully) sequencer for norns whose rhythm is controlled by between one to four tempos per sequencer. Currently non-functional.
The GUI will hopefully be a grid of boxes. Here is an ASCII visualization of what I've been thinking:
On | Active Tempos | Sequece
[O] | [ ][O][ ][ ] | [ A5][A#5][ O ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[O] | [O][ ][O][ ] | [ B3][B#4][ C5][O ][ C6][ C7][ D6][D#5]
[ ] | [ ][O][ ][ ] | [ A5][A#5][ O ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
[ ] | [O][ ][O][ ] | [ B3][B#4][ C5][O ][ C6][ C7][ D6][D#5]
Tempo 1 [120] Tempo 3 [240]
Tempo 2 [080] Tempo 4 [030]
You have to set a tempo for each sequence by adding together tempos like this. This is what creates the odd polyrhythmic rhythm combinations that I personally love from the subharmonicon.
I am planning to use the built-in synth that is available by default for norns for this. I may attempt to figure out MIDI out if people want it as well.
Something where the buttons select where you are and the knobs change values within your selection. Current plan:
-- E1 - with k2 down, change selected sequence, 1 through 4. else change selected tempo, 1 through 4 -- E2 - change which note you have selected in the sequence. else do nothing -- E3 - change the value of the note you have selected. else change the tempo you have selected
-- K2: switch whether you're editing tempos or sequences -- K3: this is not used currently
This is my first Norns script so I plan to grow it in steps. Here are the steps and current overview of how far into them I am.